Agroforestry Solutions in Central India: Madhya Pradesh
In a one-of-a-kind attempt at biodiversity action outside forests on a mega scale, smallholder farmers come together on this afforestation drive on farmlands to increase their financial security and adapt to their ever-changing crop yields.
Sustainable Rice Value Chains
The promotion of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) among smallholder farmers in Maharashtra is addressing water scarcity, reducing methane emissions, and improving agricultural resilience. It is also enhancing farmer collectives, decision-making networks, market linkages, and financial access.
A Circular Approach to Waste Management in Urban India
Demonstrating the potential of market-based solutions to transform household waste into compost, reducing emissions, enhancing soil health, and promoting sustainable urban living.
Agroforestry for Value-chain-based Climate Action in Tanzania
Our agroforestry initiative in Tanzania’s Kigoma Region promotes sustainable land use, enhances food security, improves livelihoods, and fosters creative community engagement.
Blue Carbon for Coastal Resilience and Community Development in Madagascar
Combating the impact of charcoal logging in Madagascar by spearheading a transformative mangrove restoration initiative, combining community development, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable livelihoods for a more resilient future.
Indoor Air Pollution Solutions for the Marginalized of Bangladesh
The Sashroyi Chula program provides portable, improved cookstoves to marginalized communities in Bangladesh, including refugees and remote tribal populations, to reduce indoor air pollution and improve cooking efficiency.
Ecosystem-based Land Management in Bangladesh
Our community forestry program is a comprehensive initiative driven by farming communities in Bangladesh to restore ecosystems, generate sustainable livelihoods, and contribute to climate action through community-led tree planting and organic farming.
Blue Carbon in the Sundarbans
The Baha’ Mou initiative revitalizes the Sundarbans mangroves, benefiting local Mouli communities through enhanced education, sustainable livelihoods, including honey production, and a renewed sense of stewardship over their ancestral lands.
Afforestation in the Kumaon
Leveraging high-altitude afforestation in mountain communities through the Van Panchayats of the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand, India) to plant native Himalayan species and foster sustainable livelihoods through non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
Blue Carbon in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s coastal communities are driving a significant mangrove restoration project, revitalizing 3,000 hectares of degraded lands, creating resilient coastal ecosystems, and bolstering local livelihoods.
Enabling Energy Entrepreneurship and Adaptation
The IDES program is a one-of-a-kind women-led initiative that provides clean energy solutions, including renewable microgrids, clean cooking, and LED lighting, to rural communities.
The Rural Modular Kitchen Solution
The Bondhu Chula initiative is a massive program revolutionizing rural cooking in Bangladesh, combating indoor air pollution, and deforestation, powered by a strong force of women entrepreneurs.
Agroforestry Solutions in Central India: Madhya Pradesh
In a one of a kind attempt at Biodiversity action outside forests on a mega scale, small holder farmers come together on this afforestation drive on farm lands, to increase their financial security and adapt to their ever changing crop yields.
Sustainable Rice Value Chains
The promotion of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) among smallholder farmers in Maharashtra is addressing water scarcity, reducing methane emissions, improving agricultural resilience, and enhancing farmer collectives, decision-making networks, market linkages, and financial access.
A Circular Approach to Waste Management in Urban India
Demonstrating the potential of market-based solutions to transform household waste into compost, reducing emissions, enhancing soil health, and promoting sustainable urban living.
Agroforestry for Value-chain-based Climate Action in Tanzania
Our agroforestry initiative in Tanzania’s Kigoma Region promotes sustainable land use, enhances food security, improves livelihoods, and fosters creative community engagement.
Blue Carbon for Coastal Resilience and Community Development in Madagascar
Combating the impact of charcoal logging in Madagascar by spearheading a transformative mangrove restoration initiative, combining community empowerment, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable livelihoods for a more resilient future.
Indoor Air Pollution Solutions for the Marginalized of Bangladesh
The Sashroyi Chula program provides portable improved cookstoves to marginalized communities in Bangladesh, including refugees and remote tribal areas, to reduce indoor air pollution and improve cooking efficiency.
Ecosystem-based Land Management in Bangladesh
Our community forestry program is a comprehensive initiative driven by farming communities in Bangladesh to restore ecosystems, generate sustainable livelihoods, and contribute to climate action through community-led tree planting and organic farming.
Blue Carbon in the Sundarbans
The Baha’ Mou initiative revitalizes the Sundarbans mangroves, benefiting local Mouli communities through enhanced education, sustainable livelihoods, including honey production, and a renewed sense of stewardship over their ancestral lands.
Afforestation in the Kumaon
Leveraging high-altitude afforestation in mountain communities through the Van Panchayats of the Kumaon region (Uttarakhand, India) to plant native Himalayan species and foster sustainable livelihoods through non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
Blue Carbon in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s coastal communities are driving a significant mangrove restoration project, revitalizing 3000 hectares of degraded lands, creating resilient coastal ecosystems, and bolstering local livelihoods.
Enabling Energy Entrepreneurship and Adaptation
The IDES program is a one-of-a-kind women-led initiative that provides clean energy solutions, including renewable microgrids, clean cooking, and LED lighting, to rural communities.
The Rural Modular Kitchen Solution
The Bondhu Chula initiative is a massive program revolutionizing rural cooking in Bangladesh, combating indoor air pollution, deforestation, powered by a strong force of women entrepreneurs.