VNV – a locally-rooted project developer,
mobilizing community-powered climate ventures at scale.
Hectares Revived
Households Impacted
mobilizing community-powered climate ventures at scale.
Impact Areas
Reviving mangrove ecosystems as a scalable frontline defense
for coastal communities
Collaborating with farmer collectives to finance the transition to resilient agriculture
Planting trees with farmers and forest dwellers to sustain livelihoods and income security
Nurturing biodiversity and safeguarding ecological hotspots for generations to come
Combating methane emissions and diverting waste from landfills through scalable and
circular solutions
Navigating the energy transition, leapfrogging the energy mix, expanding solar access, and promoting electric vehicles
From improved cookstoves to
induction, providing access to
sustainable energy
Delivering vital water access and resources to those who need them most
Impact Areas
Reviving mangrove ecosystems as a scalable frontline defense
for coastal communities
Planting trees with farmers and forest dwellers sustaining livelihoods and income security
Collaborating with farmer collectives to finance the transition to resilient agriculture
Nurturing biodiversity and safeguarding ecological hotspots for generations to come
Combating methane emissions and diverting waste from landfills through scalable and
circular solutions
Navigating the energy transition, leapfrogging the energy mix, expanding solar access, and promoting electric vehicles
From improved cookstoves to
induction, providing access to
sustainable energy
Delivering vital water access and resources to those who need them most
Trees Planted
In Carbon
Partner Organisations
Explore the heart of our impact. Experience the extraordinary journeys of our communities defying environmental odds. Witness their resilience, innovation, and our shared journey towards an equitable future.
Our Alliances
Our Alliances